Welcome To One Time Trucking LLC

One Time Trucking LLC

One Time Trucking LLC

we were established in 2016 but the owner has been in Trucking industry for 15 years we have 20 semi trucks and 25 dry van trailers. 23 drivers. 4 Dispatcher we also offer warehousing space for rent and we have trailers for costumers to use for storage..

Our Services

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  USD 50.00 /Container




We offer CDL training and we do hire drivers out of driving schools you would have to go out on the road with a trainer for 3 months before you go out on your own..



We have 20 trucks and 25 trailers 22 drivers. I offer warehousing space if needed and I have trailers that you can use for storage..

ilir aliu

ilir aliu

Trucking company with 15 trucks and 20 trailers .No job is to big for us we offer wearhousing also to store your products if needed we have 20 employees in your disposal all you need to do is email us ore call us..

ilir aliu. ceo

ilir aliu. ceo

Trucking company with 15 trucks and 20 trailers .No job is to big for us we offer wearhousing also to store your products if needed we have 20 employees in your disposal all you need to do is email us ore call us..

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